There’s a popular meme that fits crypto very well. Before jumping into today’s tip, I want to share it with you.
Become a Vega Mainnet Sim
Vega is very similar to what dYdX, the leading perpetual exchange in the space, is aiming for. It’s a perpetual exchange on Cosmos. Cosmos is fast, cheap, and interoperable, so it’s reasonable for decentralized exchanges to target it.
Decentralized futures exchanges should gain steam after the FTX collapse. We’ve already seen examples like GMX, and more will likely come. Thus, being early in solid perp exchanges can pay off handsomely.
Building such an exchange is difficult, so neither dYdX nor Vega have fully functional products. That’s good for us, early testers.
The team posted an invitation form for early testers at the beginning of January. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Install the testnet wallet app on your computer using this instruction.
2. Once you have a wallet app and an account, unlock the account and click on “Key 1.”
3. Copy your Twitter handle (i.e., mine is @anton42069). Back in the wallet, click on “SIGN MESSAGE” and paste it. Then, click on “SIGN” and copy the signature.
4. Open a notepad or any note-taking app, and paste the signature there. Click “Close.”
5. Copy your public key and paste it into your note-taking app.
6. Use the copied data (public key that you copied second and signature that you copied first) to replace placeholders in the following text:
“I’m taking a ride on @VegaFairground PUBKEY SIGNEDMESSAGE https://fairground.wtf/.”
For instance, my variant is: “I’m taking a ride on @VegaFairground 0b79fb3e12c30e6762a224b2e849509710d5d28471b464d6f14b60e1d3b4ba61 9R2CEQfxAW2kafL+t3LIEOXJ8CrY5nHj6l+V/k6E57w54LhNwjHZJxo/TfUV5JZ9q0HRyc7RvGJ76r6esPAeAA== https://fairground.wtf/.”
7. Tweet the copied text. Give the system a minute or two. Then, visit this website and check if your Twitter handle appears there.
8. Fill in this form.
I’ll leave it at that for today. It will take you some time to go through all the steps. But don’t fade it; it’s definitely worth your effort. See you next week.