Although we went through some shakeouts, the market is generally still bullish. And with that bullishness comes an abundance of opportunity. Coingecko founder, Bobby Ong, summarized it perfectly.

However, finding these opportunities means shifting through the haystack. Without adequate due diligence, you’ll struggle to find the needle. The good news is that a few Twitter influencers may have already found it for you.

At the beginning of this month, my colleague Alexander Mardar spoke about Andre Cronje and his signals. However, Andre is mostly active in Ethereum and Fantom ecosystems. What about popular chains? Meet Vinny Lingham, your Twitter beacon in the sea of Solana projects.

Vinny Lingham is the founder and CEO of Civic, a blockchain-based identity solution. Interestingly, the project debuted on Ethereum but later migrated to Solana.

Recently, Civic partnered with Solrise Finance to launch the first permissioned decentralized exchange on Solana.

Lingham is also a seed investor in Solana, Filecoin, and holds executive positions in crypto analytics firm, Multicoin Cap, Venture Capitalist corporation, and Newtown Partners. In other words, he is heavily involved in the Solana ecosystem.

However, unlike other influencers, he doesn’t just shill his own bags. It’s encouraging to know that Vinny also holds bitcoin and has always supported the innovation on Ethereum.

To add to his credibility as a signal, Lingham also did a short stint on the reality TV show Shark Tank in 2016. He was there for only three months. (He probably, decided to leave for a full-time job in crypto.)

Vinny Lingham on Shark Tank.

Besides base layer blockchains, Vinny is also interested in NFTs. He recently said: “If you think NFTs are in demand now, wait until social networks, apps, and websites allow you to authenticate ownership…”

Over the past several weeks, Lingham tweeted about a couple of NFTs on Solana, and they have been consistently successful.

Infinity Labs

Lingham tweeted about the Infinity Labs drop a week before its launch on Sept. 29 for 2.5 SOL each.

The following day, the collection was listed on Solanart marketplace and reached a floor price of 9 SOL shortly after. The current floor is almost 16 SOL, which is a more than 600% ROI.

People had as long as 50 minutes to mint. For reference, most Ethereum-based NFTs are selling out in seconds. So if you followed Vinny’s advice, you could’ve made some serious money without competition.


Lingham mentioned Gmoot first on Sept. 21, 2021. Its floor has tripled from 1 SOL to 3 SOL since his tweet.

If you heard about Loot on Ethereum, Gmoot would look familiar. The NFTs don’t have any visual restrictions, so they can potentially be used for various projects in Solana’s metaverse.

Lingham recently also revealed his investment in Metacask, a marketplace for NFTs and rare whiskey bottles that come with it. Watch out for its drop this fall.

Besides the above, he has also listed a few other Solana-based projects he likes. While these tokens’ prices have gone down since, I feel this is more of a systemic effect due to the broader crypto market. They could still shine within the Solana ecosystem.

On a side note, I am also adding the list of projects Anatoly, the co-founder of Solana, shared in a call with us. He finds “Mango, Synthetify, Psyoptions, Parrot, Jet, and Everland as key additions to the ecosystem.”

If you are still not following Vinny, it’s time to fix that. Otherwise, you risk missing some alpha leaks. Speaking of alpha leaks, myself and my colleagues: Anton TarasovSergey Yakovenko, and Alexander Mardar also share them on our Twitter accounts.