Do you regret not taking DeFi seriously in 2019 and ignoring NFTs altogether as just another Google image—but on Ethereum? Are you interested in what is the next big thing in crypto?


In our team, we agree that the next big trend in crypto will likely be blockchain games. So, in this email, I will talk about one blockchain game that is already gaining popularity among the wide crypto community.

Early DeFi users and NFT buyers received thousands of dollars in free airdrops, liquidity mining rewards, and trading profits by purchasing some of the iconic NFTs on Ethereum.

With blockchain games, the situation will likely repeat. Currently, retail investors do not take them seriously, but “smart money” continues to flow into the sector. According to VentureBeat, blockchain gaming companies raised $476M in the first half of 2021.

As it happened with DeFi and NFTs markets, early adopters will likely earn plenty of rewards in airdrop tokens (game credits), NFTs, and other valuable items.

What games to play?

Several blockchain games are currently in development by different teams; however, we find one particularly interesting.

The name of the game is Rarity. Andre Cronje, the founder of Yearn Finance and legend in the DeFi community, started building it as a hobby. Rarity has quickly gained popularity among crypto enthusiasts, users, and developers alike.

Cronje launched the game ten days ago, but over 100,000 unique wallets have joined the game already, and their number keeps growing.

Built on the Fantom chain, Rarity is a role-playing game (RPG) that plans to emulate a popular legacy game, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). The fantasy board game allows players to built their characters based on imagination. In 2020, the game reached 50 million fans across the world.

Snapshot from the popular TV show The Big Bang Theory

Many online RPG games take inspiration from D&D that allows players to conjure characters and weapons of their choice.

Similarly, in Rarity, users can create unique characters with them, which can be used in different games in the future. The characters minted on Rarity earn experience points, attribute points, skills, and items by performing certain tasks.

The plan is to sell these character NFTs by adding value to them via rare items. The marketplace for selling Rarity characters is already live here.

How to Play Rarity

It is important to understand that Rarity is an ongoing development project, and it is still unclear how it will unfold in the future. In the present setting, players can create rarity characters, also known as “summoners,” and send them on quests to increase XP (Experience Points) and earn “spells and feats” to craft collectibles items.

Experience Points (XPs) are credits earned for performing tasks in the game. When you earn enough points, you can move to the next level. As you level up, you will earn “spells and feats,” which will help create items such as wearables and weapons for your character.

The prerequisites for entering the game are the Metamask wallet connected to Fantom Network. You must also have Fantoms’s native token with a positive FTM balance. Each action on the game only spends around 0.01 FTM ($0.014) in gas; anywhere between 5 to 10 FTM can run the game for months.

To start, you will need to add Fantom Network to your Metamask wallet.

A quick recap: My Accounts > Settings > Networks > Add Network

The values for adding the Fantom Opera RPC network on Metamask: =
rpc =
Chain ID = 250
Currency Symbol = FTM

Metamask screenshot

To add FTM to your wallet, withdraw FTM from a centralized exchange like Binance or any other exchanges that are available on this list.

If you wish to use Decentralized avenues, buy the ERC-20 version of FTM on Uniswap or Sushiswap. Then, use to transfer FTM from the Ethereum network to Fantom Network.

Swap FTM on Ethereum to Fantom using

Now, you’re ready to play Rarity.

Since its launch, its developer community has built multiple web-based UIs to interact with its smart contract. You can use the following links: or

Rarity’s UI built on

The gameplay begins by creating a summoner. There are 11 kinds of summoners: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard.

Create a summoner of your choice by clicking on its icon and confirming the transaction on Metamask.

Then, go to the STATS page.

These summoners are born with equal abilities in Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (Int), Constitution (CON), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA). In the beginning, each ability has eight attribute points. Additionally, there are 32 attribute points given to every user. These points can be distributed between different abilities.

The more points an ability has, the more powerful your character becomes. For example, increasing STR points increases the ability to pick up heavy objects.

Attributes of my Monk summoner.

For non-gamers like me, refer to the values in the cheat sheet prepared by the community to make your specific summoner more powerful. You can find it here.

To further level up, you must complete a few tasks daily in the Adventure Section.

Visit the Adventure page of the game to send your summoners on daily quests.

Every adventure earns a summoner 250 Experience Points. These points are necessary for leveling up in the game; one summoner must go on at least four adventures to reach Level 2. However, there is a limit to just one adventure every 24 hours per summoner.

Adventure, Scout and Explore options.

Along with adventure, summoners must also Scout and Explore. By doing this, you can find game items for your character.

Additionally, Level 2 Players can earn Rarity Gold tokens, the gaming currency for trading items. Cronje has attempted to avoid speculation of Rarity Gold, “only a summoner can be an owner of gold.” Nevertheless, the more gold a character has, the more valuable it will likely be.

For example, on the Rarity marketplace, some summoners are already trading for 30 FTM ($43) to 50 FTM ($72).

Rarity, Marketplace Sales

Although this might not seem like a lot of money, this is just the beginning. As time goes on and the game becomes more popular, these characters can significantly increase in price, especially the ones with a lot of gold and power.

As an example, the most expensive Axie in Axie Infinity, a blockchain game with over one million daily active users, was sold for 300 ETH. Meanwhile, an in-game real estate went for $1.5 million earlier in 2021. You could have bought it for a lot cheaper if you were an early player.

Therefore, it is important to join early, and we encourage you to explore the blockchain gaming space.

Disclosure: Read our trading policy to see how SIMETRI protects its members against insider trading.